Complete supplier of high quality products with respect and consideration for the environment

References and cases
Retail Nordic

In collaboration with our partners, we create the best conditions for your product/brand to have a strong position in the market

About us

We are a natural part of the chain of global manufacturers and suppliers

Over many years, we have built a strategic collaboration with our manufacturers globally. The common denominator for all of them is that they are positioned in the best and most professional league. Each time our development team embarks on a task, their ambition is to execute and develop the most value-adding product for consumers.

A strong team

Our extensive years of experience is your security

Our agile set up is able to match the most demanding and complex product ranges. Regardless of whether these are major, high-volume contracts with high levels of complexity, or smaller, sometimes more sensitive launches – we remain competitive. With Niels Bak Sørensen at the forefront, Retail Nordic delivers tailor-made solutions to some of the most prominent names in the Scandinavian consumer goods market.

Environment and Sustainability

We make the greatest impressions with the least possible imprint.

Our focus is on creating the most environmentally-friendly products and we have strict demands when it comes to raw materials, packaging, etc. We work collaboratively with organisations such as Ecolabel Danmark and Astma-Allergi Danmark. At the same time, it is important for us to focus on using recyclable materials in as many of the sub-elements as possible.

We prioritise collaboration with Danish partners wherever possible. At the same time, in order to minimise CO2 emissions, we ensure the optimisation of logistics in our projects.

We deliver innovative solutions

In collaboration with our partners, we create the best conditions for your product/brand to ensure a strong position in the market.

Bollerup Jensen

Core competences

Our product categories

What is common for all our product categories is that we provide strategic and professional sparring for both product development and manufacturing of your brand or private label.

Our core competences are listed below:

· Personal care
· Cleaning agents
· Laundry detergents
· Cleaning products/accessories
· Protective equipment
· Auto/Bicycle care
· Tile and wood-treatment products
· Various non-food products

Partners and Customers

We are proud of our collaboration with...


We are here for you

Retail Nordic

Kontor Vest
Østergade 9, 2. sal
DK 6950 Ringkøbing

Kontor Øst
Jernbanegade 12A, 1. sal
DK 8900 Randers

Tlf.: +45 51 17 80 34
CVR-nr: 43 54 15 87

We bring your ideas to the shelves

Contact us